Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Semester Reflection Period 4

What changes have you seen this semester in regards to your education? What role did technology play in that change? What role did the constructivist philosophy play in that change? (constructivist-students becoming producers of information, students in charge of their own learning. What suggestions for improvement do you have for me next year? What are some of the things you would suggest I do again?

Make sure to include specific examples and expand on each other's ideas. Your feedback- honest and reflective- is important!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 7, 2008

Today we wrote our essay for the final in class. The students who were gone for AP tests turned in their essays ahead of time, and the rest of us typed ours in class and then put them in Mrs. Smith's drop box. Everyone should bring two dollars to go towards pizza next week while we are viewing our final projects.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Scribe: Cinco De Mayo (May 5th)

Hello Class!
Less than two weeks! Keep it up!

Trace a sacrifice through Brave New World and compose an essay about how this sacrifice came true in Brave New World and in today's society. Be specific, have well thought out explanations

In other news, we have an important update about our semester projects:
Due to conflicting schedules and Ms. Smith's dedication to us and Emma, she will regretably not be able to attend class on Monday because Emma has field day, and so she wants to be a great mom and be there.



Please keep your projects below ten 10 minutes.
Reminder of the groups:

1. Emma, Cec, Katherine, Dan C.
2. Sam, Kyle, Michael, Brooks, Joe, Dusty
3. Jackie, Emily L., Becca, Soo
4. Sam E., Melinda, Ryan x2, Courtney
5. Iain, Weems, Tucker, Alex, Kenny
6. Alex, Emily, Allie

Have an excellent week and sorry about the late post!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wednesday Scribe

April 30, 2008

Due on Friday:

BNW Socratic Seminar ticket (one page reaction paper on chapters 13-16)

After going over the homework for Friday, we talked about Monday’s Socratic Seminar. A lot of us felt that the sub. talked more than the kids did, and that it was not successful.

Then we got into our semester project groups, and Ms. Smith handed out guidelines and objectives for the projects.

Some important things to remember are:

  • Use specific examples! (with explanations)
  • Generalities don’t work here
  • Relate examples to modern world-make several connections
  • Creative and captivating
  • Good grammar and mechanics
  • Leave a final, lasting message
    • What do you want Ms. Smith and the audience to take away?

Presentations will be on the 12th and 14th.

The final work day will be on May 9th.

Ms. Smith recommended that we get it done before prom weekend for obvious reasons.

Remember, these projects are going on the blog for the world to see, so represent our class and each other to your best ability!

And finally, Wednesday, May 7th is the in-class essay test. Bring notes/an outline.

If you will not be in class, either come in on an off hour or have your parents time you 58 minutes and sign off on it.

Good luck to everyone these last couple weeks!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Scribe for Monday, April 28

Monday, April 28, 2008

We had a sub today, Mrs. Ritzdorf. We also turned in our ticket for the fishbowl of chapters 7-12 and the summary response paper to the movie clips that we originally watched on Friday.

Brooks was the lucky duck who was put in charge of the seminar!

Important points of the Fishbowl
What is the significance of Shakespeare’s quotes in the novel?
-Passion of society leads it down a path of bad thoughts
-Quotes are used as a reference
-Thought of love and death
-From the Tempest (the title) separates the people into specific groups
-Shows its timelessness
-John is the tragic hero who is Huxley’s Romeo
-Bernard is Juliet’s cousin (shows the jealous trait)
-John and Humholdz friendship to Shakespeare’s
Significance of Religion
-Idea of being alone
-p.136 “He discovered Time, Death and God.”
-People don’t have time to reflect or be alone
-Why is time capitalized?
-p. 137 He wanted to know what it was like to be crucified
-Is Huxley using religion as an escape? More everlasting than soma
-Time to yourself
-Bernard and John- notice the need to be alone and see by doing so
They realize what society has become
What is socially acceptable?
What do the colors mean?
-Sense of emotion and individuality

p. 148 Hemholdz- follows thoughts to be different
-Bernard is a catalyst for John’s approval of man kind
-Threat makes him change his mind
-Instill Fear
-Greater talents
-able to lead people
-creates a new norm
-lead others in a particular way
-one person with talent should be punished so that they
don’t influence others
-Follow Leaders
-A leader becomes a target of those who are threatened
-poses a threat to society
-step up to position with a leader
-Harrison Berger (Ray Bradbury)
-Short story
-Restrain Talents
-Prevent a talented person to excel
-A leader doesn’t get rid of all the problems
-Political- Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
-Better to have one suffer than to have all suffer
Why bring the savage back?
-Bernard is using John to go back into society
-Is John using Bernard to gain a follower?

1939-How many predictions have come true?
1. Cloning (genetic Engineering)
2. Sex (PDA) (sex sells)
3. Drugs
4. Technology (taking over society)

What prevents (if anything) the kind of negative consequence that Huxley foretells?
The Individual

Semester Project!

See you all on Wednesday!

Scribe for Monday, April 28

Monday, April 28, 2008

We had a sub today, Mrs. Ritzdorf. We also turned in our ticket for the fishbowl of chapters 7-12 and the summary response paper to the movie clips that we originally watched on Friday.

Brooks was the lucky duck who was put in charge of the seminar!

Important points of the Fishbowl
What is the significance of Shakespeare’s quotes in the novel?
-Passion of society leads it down a path of bad thoughts
-Quotes are used as a reference
-Thought of love and death
-From the Tempest (the title) separates the people into specific groups
-Shows its timelessness
-John is the tragic hero who is Huxley’s Romeo
-Bernard is Juliet’s cousin (shows the jealous trait)
-John and Humholdz friendship to Shakespeare’s
Significance of Religion
-Idea of being alone
-p.136 “He discovered Time, Death and God.”
-People don’t have time to reflect or be alone
-Why is time capitalized?
-p. 137 He wanted to know what it was like to be crucified
-Is Huxley using religion as an escape? More everlasting than soma
-Time to yourself
-Bernard and John- notice the need to be alone and see by doing so
They realize what society has become
What is socially acceptable?
What do the colors mean?
-Sense of emotion and individuality

p. 148 Hemholdz- follows thoughts to be different
-Bernard is a catalyst for John’s approval of man kind
-Threat makes him change his mind
-Instill Fear
-Greater talents
-able to lead people
-creates a new norm
-lead others in a particular way
-one person with talent should be punished so that they
don’t influence others
-Follow Leaders
-A leader becomes a target of those who are threatened
-poses a threat to society
-step up to position with a leader
-Harrison Berger (Ray Bradbury)
-Short story
-Restrain Talents
-Prevent a talented person to excel
-A leader doesn’t get rid of all the problems
-Political- Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
-Better to have one suffer than to have all suffer
Why bring the savage back?
-Bernard is using John to go back into society
-Is John using Bernard to gain a follower?

1939-How many predictions have come true?
1. Cloning (genetic Engineering)
2. Sex (PDA) (sex sells)
3. Drugs
4. Technology (taking over society)

What prevents (if anything) the kind of negative consequence that Huxley foretells?
The Individual

Semester Project!

See you all on Wednesday!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Scribe April 25, 2008

Hello class,

H.W. Response paper Ch. 7-12 due monday
Response paper over film due monday

  • The response paper is suppose to be an entire page
    • Topic sentence
    • Include movies
    • Connection to Brave New World
    • Motifs
    • Explanation
    • Conclusion
Mrs. Smith wont be here Monday (doesn't mean we don't have to turn in our response papers, they are still due Monday)
  • Socratic seminar Monday
    • Feel free to ask questions

Today we watch V for Vendetta directed by James Mcteigue
  • We watched the beginning and end of the movie

In the near future, Britain is ruled by a totalitarian regime, led by the Norsefire party. Evey Hammond, a young woman, is rescued from harassment by state police by a masked vigilante who introduces himself as "V". V then takes Evey to a rooftop location to witness his spectacular destruction of the Old Bailey, . The regime explains the incident to the public as a planned demolition, but this is shown to be a lie when V takes over the state-run British Television Network (BTN) the same day. He broadcasts a message urging the people of Britain to rise up against the oppressive government on November 5 ; one year from that day, when V says he will destroy the House of Parliament.

the next scene we watched
As November the fifth nears, V's various schemes cause chaos in Britain and the population grows more and more intolerant and subversive towards government authority. On the eve of November 5, Evey again visits V, who shows her a subway train that he has filled with explosives in order to destroy Parliament through an explosion in the abandoned London Underground. He delegates the destruction of Parliament to Evey, believing that the ultimate decision was not his to make, but hers. He then leaves to meet Party leader Creedy, who, as part of an earlier agreement, has agreed to bring V the Chancellor in exchange for V's surrender. Creedy kills the Chancellor in front of V, but V does not surrender. He takes a barrage of bullets from a dozen men, and remains standing thanks to a hidden armour plate he is wearing. He then proceeds to kill Creedy's men before they can reload, then strangles Creedy himself despite being shot six more times - just as he promised. V, mortally wounded in the fight, returns to Evey. He confesses his love to her, thanks her, and then dies. Evey then places his body upon the train with the explosives.

Have a good weekend