Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Brave New World- HELP!

I dont know about you- but for the first three chapters I had a really hard time understanding it all. I did some research, and was able to de-code what some of the meaning of these confusing chapters were.

Thomas "Tomakin", Alpha, Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning (D.H.C.) for London,
who is later revealed to be the father of John Savage
Henry Foster, Alpha, Administrator at the Hatchery and Lenina's current partner
Lenina Crowne, Beta Plus, Vaccination-worker at the Hatchery; loved by John the Savage (From Vladimir Lenin, the Bolshevik leader during the Russian Revolution)
Mustapha Mond, Alpha-Plus, World Controller for Western Europe, Asistant Director for Predestination (from Mustapha Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Turkish Republic after World War One, who pulled his country in to modernisation and official secularism; and Alfred Mond, charismatic British businessman and politician, the founder of the Imperial Chemical Industries corporation)
Benard Marx, Alpha-Plus, psychologist (From George Bernard Shaw, Playwright, and Karl Marx, a German Philosopher and Author)
Fanny Crowne, Beta, embryo worker; a friend of Lenina (from Fanny Kaplan, famous for unsuccessful attempt to assasinate Lenin)
Benito Hoover, Alpha, friend of Lenina; disliked by Bernard (From Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy; and Herbert Hoover, then President of the USA)
Helmholtz Watson, Alpha-Plus, lecturer at the College of Emotional Engineering (Department of Writing), friend and confidant or Bernard Marx and John the Savage (from the German Physician and physicist Hermann von Helmholtz)
Morgana Rothschild (from the Rothschild family, famous for its European Banking Operations) Herbert Bakunin(from Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian Philosopher and anarchist), Fifi Bradlaugh (from the British political activist and the atheist Charles Bradlaugh) Jim Bokanovsky, Clara Deterding (from Henri Deterding, one of the founders of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company) Joanna Diesel (from Rudolf Diesel, the German engineer who invented the diesel engine) Sarojini Engels (from Friedrich Engles, co-author of The Communist Manifesto along with Karl Marx; and Sarojini Naidu, Indian Politician) and "The Great Lout" Tom Kawaguci (from the Japanese Buddhist monk Ekai Kawaguchi, the first recorded Japanese traveler to Tibet and Nepal)
Miss Keate, headmistress of the high-tech glass and concrete Eton College,
(the Eton headmistress, from ninteenth-centuary headmaster John Keate)
Arch-Community songster, a quasi-religious figure based in Canterbury(a parody of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Church's decision in August 1930 to approve limited use of contraception)
Primo Mellon, a reporter for the upper-caste news-sheet Hourly Radio, who attempts to interview John the Savage and gets assulted for his troubles (From Miguel Primo de Rivera, a prime minister and dictator of Spain (1923-1930) and Thomas Mellon, Banker)
Darwin Bonaparte, a paparazoo who brings worldwide attention to John's hermitagee (From Napoleon Bonaparte, the leader of the First French Empire, and Charles Darwin the author of the Origin of Species)
John The Savage (Mr. Savage), son of Linda and Thomas (Tomakin/the Director) an outcast in both primitive and modern society
Linda, a Beta-Minus, John the Savage's mother, and Thomas's (Tomakin/the Director) long lost lover, She is from England and was pregnant with John when she got lost from Thomas in a trip to New Mexico. She is disliked both by savaged people because of her "civilized" behavior, and by civilized people because she is fat and looks old
Pope a native of Malpais. Although he reinforces the behavior that causes hatred for Linda in Malpais by sleeping with her and bringing her alcohol, he still holds the traditional beliefs of his tribe (from the Native American Rebel who was responsible for the conflict now known as Pope's rebellion)
Henry Ford has become a messianic figure to the World State- "Our Ford" is used in place of "Our Lord" as a credit to his invention of the assembly line
Sigmund Freud "Our Freud" is sometimes said in place of "Our Ford" due to the link between Freud's psychoanalysis and the conditioning of humans, and Freud's popularisation of the idea that sexual activity is essential to human happiness and need not to be open to procreation. It is also strongly implied that citizens of the World State believe Freud and Ford to be the same person
H.G. Wells "Dr. Wells", British writer and utopian socialist, whose book Men Like Gods was an incentive for Brave New World
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Whose conditioning techniques are used to train infants
William Shakespeare Whose banned works are quoted throughout the novel
Thomas Malthus Whose name is used to describe the contraceptive techniques (Malthusian belt) practiced by women of the World State
Reuben Rabinovitch The character in whom the effects of sleep learning hypnopaedia

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_New_World

Frameset of Brave New World
"The tradition of utopianism is one of the oldest forms of political and ideological writings. The term 'Utopia' (meaning, literally, "no-place") was invented by Thomas More in 1516, but the tradidion can be traced back to Plato's Republic, and forwards through the writings of the likes of Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rosseau, Henry Thoreau, and H.G. Wells. However, it was the Twentieth Centuary that saw the rise of the distinct genre of 'dystopian' writing. The word 'dystopia' was actually not coined until nearly twenty years after the publication of Brave New World, and there is perhaps more than just a semantic significance in this given that the novel is perhaps more anti-utopian than actually dystopian. That is to say that rather than present in a world of unrelenting fear, degradation, gloom and hopelessness as for example Orwell does in 1984, Huxley's World State is, for most of its inhabitants, a place of apparent permanent methods bywhich these ends are achivved ultimate in human, but that all utopian ideals will come at a number of costs: the restriction of human liverty, the controlling of the arts, science and religion; and ultimately access to the truth. Indeed, five years after Brave New World, Huxley wrote that "The end cannot justify the means, for the simple and obvious reason that the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced."
Source: www.bibliomania.com/1/7/100/2010/frameset.html

Also- I made bookmarks with key facts about the novel and the author, and the eight sacrafices- I would be more than happy to print one for you- either respond to this post or e-mail me at kebgresh@comcast.net

Thanks Guys! Hope this Helps!

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