Monday, January 7, 2008

First Blog of the Second Semester. Monday: January 07, 2008

Big Question (?) of Second Semester:
What does literature say about us as human beings? Are humans good or evil? Do you agree or disagree?

Smith thought us a new word today and we tried to help her spell it. (That was the highlight)

Homework for today: Print out expectations and if you want the National Geographic Information.

We got a new seating chart today (and new students), answered class questions (answer will be at the end in black), signed up for donuts and scribes, got told an overview of this semester (will be in pink also at the end) , and we looked at hell art.

Big Question.
National Geographic Project.
Dorlan Grey (spelling?)
Brave New World

What do you want to get out of class this semester?
Open discussion with maturity, respect, and adult like matter.
Hand on learning (ex: multi media).
Everyone get into the discussions.
Enjoy literature.
Intrinsic Learning.
Teach Smith something.
More movies (Disney was said in the background).
Group projects.
How do you want to grow as a learner? ("Important for college.", Smith said)
Going beyond what is expected.
Thinking on your own.
Lead your own learning. (Maybe with a fishbowl)
Deep learning, no boredom.
Intellectual Conversations.
Make it more learning and not grade.
Intrinsic. INTRINSIC.


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