Thursday, January 17, 2008

Scribe: January 16, 2007

Hello all and sorry for the delay of this scribe, I had difficulties with my google account all yesterday and this morning....

Firstly, we should all congratulate Smith on a phenomenal half marathon run in Phoenix. She placed 221 of 9,000 women and 1100 of 26000! Her time was 1hour and 44minutes. Thanks to Led Z. she was able to push herself to the max for the last mile and a half averaging 7.5 minutes for each mile. If you want to get her Gatorade for a congragulatory gift...don't get passion berry mango, it tastes like "poo" to her...

Ok first off, our papers on Hell are lost, print off an extra copy for tomorrow just in case...

Secondly, make sure that your National Geo. signature is in because she needs them all ASAP...

Thirdly, we turned our second paper in to her. She apologizes for any confusion regarding the whole Updike story...

For homework we must finish reading Milton's excerpt (which begins on pg. 435 of the big purple Literature book) and then after that we must create some sort of visual understanding that pulls in everything togeher (Milton, creation stories, movies, songs, paintings, etc.) It is imperative that everyone relates this to the essential question: Are humans good or evil?!?

Apologies again.

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